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Just This Once

FAASafety Wings Course

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  • Wings / General Knowledge

Enroll to receive Wings Credit

About this FAASafety Wings Course

Our title, “Just This Once,” comes from mishaps that occur when someone knowingly acts contrary to an established procedure or regulation and justifies it by thinking or saying, “It will be okay just this once.”

The course consists of text, videos, accident examples, references, and a quiz. Completion time for the course is approximately one hour.

The course is sponsored by the Avemco Insurance company and, in addition to Wings credit, it is valid for the Avemco Safety Rewards program.

FAA Accredited Activity: BRIGHTSPOT-COURSE-JTO-0323

Valid for 1 Wings Credit for Master Level Knowledge Topic 2


3 sections 11 items

  • Checklists Micro-Course (Wings Advanced Knowledge-2) Enroll
  • Combating Mental Inertia Course (Wings Basic Knowledge-3) Enroll

  • Just This Once Course Quiz Enroll