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Combating Mental Inertia

FAASafety Wings Course

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  • Wings / General Knowledge

Enroll to receive Wings Credit

About this FAASafety Wings Course

·         This course is primarily for pilots of general aviation airplanes, but it also applies to any high-stakes activities. It consists primarily of video lessons, but other material such as accident analyses and a take-away download is also included.

·         It is widely recognized that humans tend to continue with a task once it is started. Pilots sometimes continue with a flight even when evidence indicates that the plan should be changed or abandoned. A phrase frequently found in the probable cause finding of an NTSB accident report includes, "the pilot's decision to continue..."

·         This course examines the forces in the unconscious mind that causes this behavior and provides some practical mitigation strategies to improve safety.

·         The course will require approximately one hour to complete. A final quiz at the completion of the course is required to earn FAA Wings credit. Successful completion of the course and the quiz is valid for one Basic Knowledge-3 credit in the FAA Wings Pilot Proficiency Program.

·         If you do desire to earn FAA Wings credit for the course, you must successfully complete the final quiz.

This course is provided free of charge courtesy of Avemco Insurance Company


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