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Avoiding the Summertime "Gotchas" Interactive Course

FAASafety Wings Course

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About this FAASafety Wings Course

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We all enjoy a nice summer flight in wall-to-wall sunshine or on a clear night full of bright stars. We all also know about the typical summer hazards associated with thunderstorms and high density altitudes. But there are several other possible hazards associated with summer flying. This course will discuss these “gotchas” and how to avoid dangerous situations created by them. Several accidents that resulted from some of the “gotchas” will be discussed.

Authored and narrated by Gene Benson, this course is a continuation of the popular “Avemco Pilot Talk” series. The course consists of four instructional sections. Each section contains a video lesson and related supplemental material including links and downloads. A fifth section contains a link to the course quiz. Course completion, including successful completion of the quiz, will be valid to earn one credit for Basic Knowledge-2 and one credit for Advanced Knowledge-2 in the FAA Pilot Proficiency (Wings) Program.