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FAA Maintenance Safety Culture Assessment and Improvement


  • Wings / AMT



Assessing safety culture using the FAA Maintenance Safety Culture Assessment and Improvement Toolkit (M-SCAIT)
Dr. Kylie Key Worthington, an engineering research psychologist with FAA’s Aerospace Human Factors Research Division, will describe the FAA M-SCAIT. As part of its efforts to promote a positive safety culture in aviation maintenance, researchers at FAA developed and validated a new safety culture toolkit. The FAA Maintenance Safety Culture Assessment and Improvement Toolkit (M-SCAIT) is a stand-alone package made available at no cost for maintenance-performing organizations to have control/ownership of their safety culture assessment and associated proprietary data. To prepare the M-SCAIT for large-scale application, the M-SCAIT was field tested with nearly 1000 respondents. The resulting toolkit is flexible and customizable, empowering assessment of various maintenance environments such as repair stations, airlines, and the military.


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