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CFIs - How Do You Conduct Your Flight Reviews

FAASafety Wings Course

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  • Wings / CFI

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About this FAASafety Wings Course

CFI Seminar: Furtherance of Aviation Safety with increased integration of Abnormal & Emergency Procedures. Exemplified with an Airline Type Flight Review: Ground, Pre Flight, Flight & Post Flight.

How integration in training & all flight reviews of Abnormal & Emergencies is most essential to our safe flying environment. That unlike driving an automobile & being continually subjected to other drivers, we have more control in Aviation to ensure safety.

Airline Flight Proficiency Checks (Captains every 6 months) that are primarily abnormal & emergencies, contributes to Airlines being one of the safest modes of transportation. All of us in General Aviation, with Discipline, should be striving to this level.


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  • CFIs - How Do You Conduct Your Flight Reviews Enroll