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Flying to Burningman - What you need to know

FAASafety Wings Course

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  • Wings / Airport Operations

Enroll to receive Wings Credit

About this FAASafety Wings Course

Educate new and long-time pilots about the event, how to operate safely in and out of 88NV, and changes for 2022.

  • Speaker intro
  • What is Burning Man?
    • Who should come / not come?  Will I be welcome?
  • Aviation at Burning Man
    • History of the airport
    • Purpose, types of operation
  • Airport overview
    • We are a volunteer-driven airport -- how does it work, how can I help?
    • Camping options, food, entertainment, other fun stuff that happens
  • Flying at 88NV
    • Location, mountain environment, density altitude, weather, etc
    • Requirements to fly in (training, ticket, etc)
    • ATC info
    • Arrival / departure procedures
    • Flying the scenic pattern
    • Preparing the airplane & pilot, what kinds of a/c are appropriate, dust precautions/cleaning
  • Recommended flying technique
    • Soft-field technique review + playa specific technique
    • Landing technique + illusions
    • Specific hazards: distraction, checklists, rapidly changing weather, visibility dust + smoke…
  • Q&A + stories/advice from other 88NV pilots


2 sections 4 items