Network Optimization



1 Introduction to network models  
2 Computational complexity and data structures  
3 Graph search algorithms Problem set 1 due
4 Transformations and flow decomposition  
5 Shortest paths: label setting algorithms  
6 The radix heap algorithm  
7 Shortest paths: label correcting algorithms Problem set 2 due
8 Algorithm analysis  
9 Basic algorithms for the maximum flow problem  
10 Midterm 1 (Ses #1-8)  
11 Combinatorial applications of maximum flows Project team and topic selection due
12 Preflow push algorithms  
13 More on preflow push algorithms Problem set 3 due
14 Minimum cost flow: basic algorithms  
15 Minimum cost flow: polynomial time algorithms Problem set 4 due
16 Applications of network flows; Linear programming review  
17 The network simplex algorithm Project outline due
18 NP-completeness  
19 Midterm 2 (Ses #9-17)  
20 Lagrangian relaxation 1  
21 Lagrangian relaxation 2  
22 Multicommodity flows 1 Problem set 5 due
23 Multicommodity flows 2  
24 Presentations of class projects Project report due
25 Presentations of class projects (cont.)