Calendar | Getting Things Implemented: Strategy, People, Performance, and Leadership




Creating public value

The craft of political management

"Upwardly Global" (immigrant economic opportunity)

"Park Plaza" (implementing redevelopment in downtown Boston)

2 Organizational strategy and change

"Mikhukhu People of South Africa: A Question of Survival" (NGO turn-around)

"Managing Change or Running to Catch Up: CARE USA and its Mission in Thailand" (strategic change and risk)

3 Strategic collaboration, performance management

"One Church, One Child" (human services collaboration)

"Mayor Anthony Williams and Performance Management in Washington, DC" (agency performance and the public)

4 Structuring work, managing talent

"Managing the Underground City" (making a transit bureaucracy work)

"California Franchise Tax Board" (adapting to a more diverse labor force)

5 Strategic vision and leadership

"Mayor Purcell and the Faith Community Confront Nashville's Housing Needs" (citywide progress on a major challenge)

Take-home exam of word problems due 5 days after end of course

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